never mind why, here’s what: each page shows ten links to videos as image and title pairs, they don’t all fit on screen so one must scroll down to see them all; whilst scrolling, some of the linked video pages are clicked in such a way that they load in new tabs; at the end of the ten there are navigational links for loading the next ten, but before doing that, the opened tabs are visited one at a time; (I have attempted to play multiple videos at once, but vimeo is programmed to suppress such behaviour) the description under the video player is looked at, translated if necessary, and then maybe the video is played; usually the video is watched attentively, headphones on for audio, and usually the session is over when attention is spent, but of late i have pushed to sometimes skipping ahead in time within the video; when starting these 250 I decided to use the ‘watch later’ feature of the medium to save the ones that I’d like to see on the inclusive improv list; (it would be cool by me if they were added, but I’m unlikely to add them; maybe when i get back far enough in time to have looked over these 250 I’ll go back to page one and two (and maybe three by then) and maybe add something from there; as those that made it to the watch later list… i’ll create a text file of their numbers and process that somehow for sharing) the open tabs are closed in the browser until only the search results remain, where the ‘next page’ link is ready to load another ten…