The long wait is over: after a number of delays, the BBC microbit has had its release today. Most the following was written at the end of January 2016, and has been sat in draft form since then… so from today’s perspective it starts with a link to old news, but it is what it…
Tag: video
Live Coding in MaxMSP
Laurence Counihan clicking a heart shaped glyph today triggered a notification to me that brought one of my video recordings form 2010 to my attention… I couldn’t remember what happens in ‘live code Max MSP 20100220‘, so I watched it again. live code Max MSP 20100220 from Samuel Freeman on Vimeo. I saw that Counihan…
two guitars and some live patching
I spent the day at Ben’s house, recording (guitars mostly) for an album that we (and others) are (sporadically) working on. Ryan joined us in the evening, and he played some guitar parts that Ben had written. Ryan came up with a new guitar part for a tune that I’d written a few months ago.…
Day one for this CreativePact project (see the intro posted yesterday, and see for other projects going on this month), and to begin this month of collecting videos of improvisation I started with some simple searches. The term ‘improv’ returns many cases of words like ‘improvement’ in the video titles, descriptions and tags; nevertheless,…