continued, complete, and to be continued

Continuing, and completing, looking back at the collection of ‘improvised’ video offerings that have accumulated on vimeo in the past few weeks (not including the past few days – I’ll have to get to that tomorrow!), and contemplating possible destinations for this research…

This CreativePact would have ended today-ish, but because I did not get even close to a post a day in the past 30 days, I’m planning to continue through to the end of September. What started out as a vague intention to re-engage with the inclusive improv thing from a different perspective seems to have become some sort of exercise in analysis of contemporary praxis as viewed through a very narrow slice of the internet.

That narrow slice is represented by this url:

That data is then filtered by the changing and evolving subjective parameters of what I consider to be found examples of improvised content in the videos returned by that search, and thus has become a neural entanglement of thought patterns within my skull. As the effort of not ignoring ‘those 250 videos’ (see previous posts) comes to a close, I wonder how best to externalise some the observations being made…

In the meantime, the promised list of listed video links is the next step…

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